Feature Requests

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This would be one more terrific advantage over Airtable: a master-detail view – as an alternative (mainly) to grid view. Airtable DOES have a master-detail layout, but only in their custom interface builder. I'm suggesting that SmartSuite provide it as one more view in the standard views list, alongside, grid, kanban, etc. Some users might not be familiar with the term, but almost everybody who uses a computer is familiar with the concept. Unless like me you use HEY for email, your email app probably uses or at least offers a master-detail view. It's a way of presenting data that basically provides a simple list that takes up PART of the page (typically but not always on the left), and when you click on a row or record in that master list, its details will fill the rest of the space on the page. https://blogs.windows.com/windowsdeveloper/2017/05/01/master-master-detail-pattern/ As I said, I'm suggesting this be added as another regular view option. Airtable provides this only in its custom interfaces, and custom interfaces are important for Airtable partly because they offered Airtable's developers a chance to improve Airtable's handling of privileges (which was pretty rudimentary to start with and has improved over the years less than some of us would like). But SmartSuite handles privileges pretty well already.If a master-detail view could also permit (perhaps as an option) USER SPECIFIC FILTERING, I think you would eliminate half of the advantage of Airtable's custom interfaces. Actually in some ways, this would be an improvement on them, if you could put the view right into the list with the other views. (Airtable's getting kind of schizophrenic with its split between classic Airtable and custom interfaces.)
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