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UI & Reporting

Banner Widget

The Banner Widget is a simple yet powerful tool that allows you to add striking visual elements to the top of your dashboard. By adding captions, titles, subtitles, and buttons, the Banner Widget helps users quickly grasp the context of the page and engage with critical information.
Blog image - Dashboard Banner
Use Cases:
  • Customer Success Dashboard
    : Place a Banner Widget at the top with your company’s logo and a "Contact Us" button that opens a form for customer support requests.
  • Product Launch Dashboard
    : Use the Banner Widget to display the new product’s branding at the top of the dashboard with a "Learn More" button linking to a detailed product page.
  • Event Planning Dashboard
    : Include a colorful Banner Widget at the top of the dashboard outlining key event dates with a button linking to the registration form.
How to Use the Banner Widget:
Add Widget:
Start by clicking "Add widget" on your dashboard.
Select Banner Widget
: From the Widget Library, choose the "Banner Widget."
Customize Text
: Add a caption, bold title, and subtitle using rich text elements like different font sizes, text colors, alignment, and formatting options.
Choose Background
: Select a solid background color or upload a custom image to match your dashboard’s branding and aesthetic.
Add Buttons
: Include interactive buttons that link to URLs, display forms, or trigger workflows.
By using the Banner Widget, you can quickly create visually appealing banners that not only enhance the overall look of your dashboard but also provide easy pathways for user interaction. This feature is particularly helpful for professionals who want to create a visually engaging, easy-to-navigate dashboard.
This feature is available for
All Plans.
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UI & Reporting

Calendar Widget

The Calendar Widget helps you visualize tasks, events, and other time-bound data directly on your dashboard. By presenting information in a calendar format, the Calendar Widget makes it easy to manage timelines, deadlines, and schedules at a glance.
Whats New page - Dashboards Calendar
Use Cases:
  • Project Management
    : Use the Calendar Widget to track project deadlines, key milestones, and task timelines across different teams, ensuring all members are aligned.
  • Event Planning
    : Plan and manage events by displaying dates for meetings, milestones, and other important deadlines on a calendar.
  • Sales and Marketing
    : Schedule client meetings, product launches, and campaign timelines in a clear, easy-to-understand format.
How to Use the Calendar Widget:
Add Widget
: Start by clicking "Add widget" on your dashboard.
Select Calendar Widget
: From the Widget Library, choose the "Calendar Widget."
Choose Data Source
: Link the widget to the appropriate solution and table that contains the date-based information you want to display.
Configure Views
: Select between daily, weekly, or monthly views depending on how you want to visualize your data.
Drag-and-Drop Functionality
: Move tasks or events to different dates directly on the calendar to easily adjust timelines.
By organizing your tasks and events in a calendar format, you can better manage schedules and deadlines across teams and projects. The Calendar Widget is particularly useful for professionals who need to monitor multiple time-bound tasks in a dynamic, interactive way.
This feature is available for All Plans.
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UI & Reporting

FAQ Widget

The FAQ Widget is a powerful tool that helps you communicate important information by presenting frequently asked questions directly on your dashboard. By organizing your content into a clear and structured format, the FAQ Widget allows you to address common queries, explain processes, and provide guidance efficiently, making it easier for users to find answers.
Whats New page - FAQ
Use Cases:
  • Employee Resource Dashboard
    : Answer common questions about company policies, benefits, and procedures, providing employees with quick access to important information.
  • Customer Support Portal
    : Address frequently asked questions about products or services, offering users a simple way to get help without contacting support.
  • Product Onboarding
    : Assist new users by answering setup, best practices, and troubleshooting questions, helping them get started with your product.
How to Use the FAQ Widget:
Add Widget
: Start by clicking "Add widget" on your dashboard.
Select FAQ Widget
: From the Widget Library, choose "FAQ Widget."
Enter Questions and Answers
: Use rich text elements like bold, italics, links, bullet points, and numbering to format your questions and answers for clarity.
Choose Layout
: Select a one-column or two-column layout depending on the content volume and how you want to display the information.
Display Style
: Choose between a list or accordion display—use the accordion option to allow users to expand and collapse individual questions for a cleaner interface.
By organizing your information in a structured way, the FAQ Widget enables you to efficiently provide answers to common questions, improving user experience and reducing the need for repetitive inquiries. This widget is especially helpful for customer support, onboarding, and internal communication needs.
This feature is available for
All Plans.
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UI & Reporting

Dashboard Widget: Filter Widget

The Filter Widget is a powerful tool that allows you to apply consistent filters across multiple widgets on your dashboard. By linking to a common data source, the Filter Widget enables you to filter and analyze data across different charts, tables, and views, helping you narrow down information and uncover actionable insights quickly.
Whats New page - Dashbaord - Filter Widget
Use Cases:
  • Sales Dashboard
    : Filter sales data by region, product category, or time period to identify trends and opportunities across different segments.
  • Project Management Dashboard
    : Use filters to display tasks by project phase, priority, or assigned team member, making it easier to focus on key areas.
  • Support Ticket Dashboard
    : Filter open support tickets by status, priority, or customer, streamlining the process of managing and resolving issues.
How to Use the Filter Widget:
Add Widget
: Start by clicking "Add widget" on your dashboard.
Select Filter Widget
: From the Widget Library, choose "Filter Widget."
Choose Data Source
: Link the widget to the appropriate solution and table containing the data you want to filter.
Configure Filters
: Select which fields from the data source will be available as filters, such as dates, statuses, or custom fields.
Connect Widgets
: Link the Filter Widget to other widgets on your dashboard to dynamically display filtered data across charts, tables, and views.
By adding a Filter Widget, you can simplify data analysis and enhance user interaction by providing dynamic, real-time filtering across your dashboard. This widget is particularly useful for professionals who need to slice data and focus on specific criteria quickly and efficiently.
This feature is available for
All Plans.
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UI & Reporting

Dashboard Widget: Heading Widget

The Heading Widget is a simple yet effective tool that allows you to organize and structure content on your dashboard by adding customizable headings. By clearly defining sections with headings and descriptions, the Heading Widget helps users navigate your dashboard with ease, making it easier to understand and manage the information presented.
Whats New page - Dashbaord - Heading Widget
Use Cases:
  • Project Overview Dashboard
    : Use the Heading Widget to break the dashboard into sections like "Current Tasks," "Upcoming Milestones," and "Team Members" for easy navigation.
  • Sales Dashboard
    : Add headings for key sections such as "Quarterly Sales," "Top Customers," and "Sales Goals," helping teams focus on critical metrics.
  • Employee Dashboard
    : Create sections like "Performance Reviews," "Training Modules," and "Leave Requests," giving employees clear guidance through important areas of their dashboard.
How to Use the Heading Widget:
Add Widget
: Start by clicking "Add widget" on your dashboard.
Select Heading Widget
: From the Widget Library, choose the "Heading Widget."
Customize Text
: Add and format your headings using rich text elements like font size, text color, bold, italics, and alignment to match your dashboard’s style.
Add Descriptions
: Include a descriptive text area using bullet points or numbering to provide context and guide users through each section of the dashboard.
By using the Heading Widget, you can create a structured, easy-to-follow dashboard layout that helps users quickly find and focus on the most important information. This widget is particularly useful for professionals who need to present large sets of data or tasks in an organized and visually clear way.
This feature is available for
All Plans.
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UI & Reporting

Dashboard Widget: HERO Widget

The HERO Widget is a powerful tool that allows you to create visually impactful headers for your dashboard. With its advanced image options and flexible layout controls, the HERO Widget helps you make a bold statement by combining rich text, images, and interactive buttons to effectively set the tone for your dashboard content.
Whats New page - HERO
Use Cases:
  • Client Portal
    : Use the HERO Widget at the top of a client dashboard to display a personalized welcome message with the client’s branding and a button that directs them to an onboarding form.
  • Product Showcase
    : Highlight key features of a product using alternating HERO Widgets, each with images, captions, and buttons linking to more detailed product documentation.
  • Marketing Campaign Dashboard
    : Place a HERO Widget at the top to introduce a campaign, featuring a background image, campaign title, and a button linking to the campaign overview.
How to Use the HERO Widget:
Add Widget
: Start by clicking "Add widget" on your dashboard.
. Select HERO Widget
: From the Widget Library, choose the "HERO Widget."
. Add Image
: Upload a custom image or select a solid background color to enhance the visual impact of the widget.
Customize Text
: Add a caption, bold title, and subtitle using rich text elements like font sizes, text colors, and alignment for clear messaging.
Add Interactive Buttons
: Include buttons that link to URLs, display forms, or trigger workflows to guide user interaction.
Adjust Layout
: Position content on the left, right, or center and choose between full-width or fixed-width layouts to match your dashboard’s aesthetic.
By using the HERO Widget, you can create a visually dynamic and interactive experience at the top of your dashboard. Whether for branding, product showcases, or campaign introductions, the HERO Widget helps you capture attention and guide users to important content.
This feature is available for
All Plans.
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UI & Reporting

Dashboard Widget: Record Detail Widget

The Record Detail Widget allows you to showcase detailed information from a specific record directly on your dashboard. With flexible display options, this widget makes it easy for users to view or interact with individual record fields, streamlining the process of accessing key data in a visually organized format.
Whats New page - Record Details
Use Cases:
  • Customer Profile Dashboard
    : Display key customer details such as contact information, industry, and account representative, providing sales teams with quick access to essential customer information.
  • Employee Performance Dashboard
    : Show detailed fields like performance ratings, feedback, and training completion for the selected employee, offering a comprehensive view of their progress.
  • Project Management Dashboard
    : Display key project details like start and end dates, project manager, budget, and status, allowing project managers to review project specifics easily.
How to Use the Record Detail Widget:
Add Widget
: Start by clicking "Add widget" on your dashboard.
Select Record Detail Widget
: From the Widget Library, choose the "Record Detail Widget."
Choose Data Source
: Link the widget to the Record Selector Widget to display the appropriate record information.
Select Fields
: Choose which fields from the selected record you want to display, and decide whether each field will be view-only or editable.
Customize Layout
: Adjust the field widths and display options to fit the layout of your dashboard, ensuring the information is clear and accessible.
By using the Record Detail Widget, you can quickly surface critical details from individual records, allowing users to interact with key information directly from the dashboard. This widget is particularly useful for professionals who need quick access to record-specific data for customers, projects, or employees.
This feature is available for
All Plans.
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UI & Reporting

Dashboard Widget: Record Selector Widget

The Record Selector Widget is a powerful tool that enables users to select specific records from a list, dynamically controlling the content displayed in other widgets on the dashboard. By connecting this widget to various data sources, users can filter and display relevant information in real-time, making the dashboard more interactive and data-driven.
Whats New page - Dashboard Record Selector
Use Cases:
  • Customer Management Dashboard
    : Allow users to select a customer from the Record Selector Widget and display related information, such as open orders, contact details, and support tickets.
  • Employee Dashboard
    : Use the Record Selector Widget to choose an employee and display fields like performance reviews, training status, and assigned projects in connected widgets.
  • Sales Pipeline Dashboard
    : Select a sales opportunity from the Record Selector Widget, automatically updating widgets to show deal stages, activities, and projected revenue.
How to Use the Record Selector Widget:
Add Widget
: Start by clicking "Add widget" on your dashboard.
Select Record Selector Widget
: From the Widget Library, choose the "Record Selector Widget."
Choose Data Source
: Link the widget to the appropriate table or solution that contains the records you want users to select from.
Display Style
: Select between dropdown or list (panel) formats to display the record options.
Connect Widgets
: Link the Record Selector Widget to other widgets (e.g., charts, tables, or metric widgets) to dynamically display data based on the selected record.
By using the Record Selector Widget, you can create a highly interactive dashboard experience that tailors content based on user selections. This widget is ideal for professionals who need to present and interact with dynamic data sets efficiently, whether it's customer data, employee information, or project details.
This feature is available for
All Plans.
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UI & Reporting

Dashboard Widget: Summary Card Widget

The Summary Card Widget is a simple yet powerful tool that allows you to display key metrics directly on your dashboard. Whether you want to showcase manually entered values or calculated results, the Summary Card Widget helps you emphasize critical numbers, giving users a quick and clear overview of essential data points.
Whats New page - Dashbaord - Summary Card
Use Cases:
  • Sales Dashboard
    : Use the Summary Card Widget to display total sales for the month, keeping the team focused on their goals.
  • Project Management Dashboard
    : Show the number of tasks completed this week, providing a snapshot of team progress at a glance.
  • Customer Success Dashboard
    : Display the number of open support tickets to help teams track workload and prioritize responses.
How to Use the Summary Card Widget:
Add Widget
: Start by clicking "Add widget" on your dashboard.
Select Summary Card Widget
: From the Widget Library, choose the "Summary Card Widget."
Input or Calculate Values
: Manually enter a value or link the widget to a calculated field from your solution.
Customize Display
: Adjust the value alignment (left, center, or right) and select a background color to match your dashboard's branding.
Add Descriptions
: Optionally include a title or subtitle to provide context for the displayed metric.
By using the Summary Card Widget, you can easily highlight the most important data on your dashboard, ensuring that key metrics are always front and center. This widget is particularly useful for teams who need a quick view of performance indicators and progress tracking.
This feature is available for
All Plans.
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UI & Reporting

Dashboard Widgets: Divider Widget

The Divider Widget is a simple yet effective tool that helps you organize your dashboard by visually separating sections of content with horizontal lines. By adding dividers, you can improve readability and structure, guiding users through different areas of the dashboard with ease.
Whats New page - Dashbaord - Divider
Use Cases:
  • Annual Report Dashboard
    : Insert Divider Widgets between sections like "Financial Summary," "Department Achievements," and "Future Goals" to create clear visual separation.
  • Sales Performance Dashboard
    : Use Dividers to separate sections such as "Monthly Sales" and "Quarterly Performance" for better data organization.
  • Team Dashboard
    : Add captions to Divider Widgets to label and separate sections like "Upcoming Meetings" and "Team Tasks," making the dashboard more structured and easier to navigate.
How to Use the Divider Widget:
Add Widget
: Start by clicking "Add widget" on your dashboard.
Select Divider Widget
: From the Widget Library, choose the "Divider Widget."
Customize Line
: Choose the line color to match your dashboard's design and branding.
Add Captions
: Optionally add a caption to provide context or label different sections of the dashboard.
Position Dividers
: Place the Divider Widget between key sections to improve layout and content organization.
By using the Divider Widget, you can create a cleaner, more structured dashboard that enhances user experience and readability. This widget is particularly helpful for organizing large amounts of data or content into clear, manageable sections.
This feature is available for
All Plans.
Watch Feature Overview Video (Coming Soon)
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