Feature Requests

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Ability to link financial institutes to auto import transactions
You guys everything that a money management app like Monarch has, on top of it currently we have ability to manage business projects, data, create custom Invoicing & many more in Smart suite, which is great. As an enhancement to these existing features, would like to request to see if there is any possibility to tie up with "Plaid", "Yodlee" etc platforms (like Monarch etc apps) to provide ability to users to link business financial institutes to auto import transactions so user can do advanced book keeping to track their invoices, profits & expenses, do reconciliation etc with in Smart suites. Example use case would be, 1) Once we issue an Invoice to our client, we want to set an automation to link the invoice number to the transaction record & mark respective invoice to "Paid" or if the amount is not deposited in the bank account with in the due date, automation to set the Invoice to "Over due" etc. 2) To be able to link the transactions to client etc & be able to create charts around how much business is made from each client etc. 3) Ability to create custom charts around different financial metrics from imported transactions (how much is spent on what etc). List goes on :) as there will be many things businesses can do once this feature is made available in Smart Suites. Thank you. Note: I had a very high level discuss about this item with Emma & Brian during office hours meeting and they both loved the idea and asked me to request for this feature.
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