AI Assistant to support LLM providers like Ollama, HuggingFace, AnythingLLM, ...
Hi Jon, thanks. Here are my comments on this.
- Prompting with an LLM using the content of
a) Mouse selected text
b) content of a field
c) content of a whole record
d) content of a filtered list of records
2.) The sky is the limit! The SmartSuite OPI should act as a data provider and an interface to the ai bot / agent. But the ai bot / agent should not be limited to ChatGPT.
3) Especially in europe companies have quite different strategies with AI, like copilot, local AI ..... E.G. or company does not use ChatGPT, which means we need to build solutions using the SmartSuite API instead of be able to use ootb integrations.
BR Stefan
Wade Carpenter
+1 for improving AI Assistant. Even if only using OpenAI, would like to use more modern models other than GPT 3.5. I’ve asked about this a few times.
Jon Darbyshire
Hey Stefan, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific features or functionalities do you expect from the integration with other LLM providers?
- Are there any particular use cases or scenarios where integrating with these LLM providers would be most beneficial for you?
- How do you prioritize the importance of supporting different LLM providers in comparison to other potential features or improvements?