I would like some kind of permission default for tables where the role can VIEW all records, but the default is to DENY VIEWING all fields besides the title. Then we can manually allow permissions by field that we want everyone to be able to access. That way when we add a new field, we know the default is that it's not viewable to that role. For example as to why I want this - We have records for all of our employees with all sorts of information. Some of it would be fine for everyone employee to see, while some of it would not be. As such, we allow the Everyone role to only be an assignee, so they can only see their personal record. The number of fields we have on this table is very high, meaning if we allowed Everyone to view the whole table, we'd have to manually restrict numerous, numerous fields. Additionally, we'd have to remember to manually restrict any new fields that we add. The reason this is a problem is because they cannot see other team member records at all, they can't see those public fields & I cannot use the Record Selector and Record Detail widgets in a Dashboard view to create an Employee Directory for everyone because of the permission issues.