Wowing with the Document Designer
Jami Morris
Some of these may be repeats but here are some suggestions for the very promising Document Designer:
- Drag and drop fields to desired location
- Option to include title of field when placing on the page layout
- Undo option
- Margins around page breaks are not working
- Set right and left margins
- Allow emojis in text fields
- Ability to mass edit similar element and field settings
- View interactive document within SmartSuite instead of creating a PDF
- Create sections that are collapsible and able to be anchored to each other
- Ability to anchor fields and elements within a section so that the anchor choices are smaller
- Add Headers, Footers, page numbers
- Format text fields as Title, Heading 1, Heading 2, etc
- Ability to add Table of Contents
- Add option for Logo like on forms
- Ability to add a table
- Ability to resize columns in linked record table
- Ability to add grid lines to linked record table
- If table is split between pages, restate the heading columns in the top row of the table on the next page
- Linked record fields split at page break but not Lookup fields
- Linked records should be clickable hyperlinks in doc
- Pageless option
Looking forward to seeing what's released next for this feature!
Peter Novosel
I’m updating this record with information about updates that have been made to Document Designer. The remaining requested features are reflected in this request that I’ve created to hold them:
Document Designer Feature Requests
Items from the original request that have been implemented
- Allow emojis in text fields. Emojis can be displayed in text-type fields as well as the text element.
- Ability to resize columns in linked record table. You can now specify a relative width for each column by adjusting its width property in Linked Record field configuration.
Prior changelog:
- Anchored Position. Set the offset of a page item relative to another specific element, specifying the distance between the objects on the page.
- Images (1 or all). Option to display the first image or all images, with various display formats when all images are shown.
- Added filtering for linked record fields. You can now apply filters and sort order to linked records displayed in the document.
- Improved page breaking for Linked Record grids. In page settings you can specify the “page break margin” that is applied to Linked Record grids that span across pages.
Original Changelog
- Additional field types are now supported
- Improved image handling
Tom Harvey
Ability to save a layout without it closing the document, conditional logic displaying fields (like forms), ability to include attached record documents with document export, ability to add to, or adjust the Paper Sizes
David Coenca
Hello. Any news on those updates ?
Mathis Claßen
Anything new? This is very important. Also SmartDocs should be displayed correctly and maby be restyleable with custom css.
Adam J
And 1 more... please make the linked table column headings follow the justification of the fields, currently the headings are all aligned to the left irrespective of the alignment of the data in the columns. This is especially an issue when using amounts or numbers as the data (which should normally be aligned to the right)
Adam J
If it is not too late... please make the "line" component 100% level horizontally! Currently, "horizontal" lines are off by a tiny bit (1 px?) and they don't respond when trying to nudge them into the fully horizontal position.
Amanda Peers
Would be great to be able to add images from a lookup field. Right now it just displays the file name.
Would also be nice be create custom sized documents.
Would be great to be able to format linked or lookup fields.
Peter G.
Jami's list is excellent!
Here's my own list at the risk of repeating some of his items:
A Report Builder should INCLUDE, but not necessarily be limited to:
A printable, customizable, banded, multipage document
Report header and footer (that can be justified vertically)
Page header and footer (repeats on all pages)
Multiple optional groupings by field value(s)
Group headers and footers (repeats on all pages where groups apply)
Headers and footers should allow the inclusion of field values, text, page numbers, summary values based upon groups, current date/time display options, embedded images, etc.
Report sections should allow the inclusion of embedded images (e.g. logos) and borders
Font style selection including type, weight, color, size and other attributes should be allowed.
Dynamic calculated values
Linked sub-reports
Columns with optional column balancing
Automatic conversion to PDF format
Option to automatically email PDF to selected recipients
and much more…
Note, I have a RAD tool that I have been using for DECADES that does all this - and always did. SS needs to catch up to the old tools that had or have this kind of capability.
BTW: currently the list option in documents doesn't allow you to control the list's font size. I believe someone said it's set to 16 pts! That makes the list option fairly useless, I'm afraid.
James Malin
If this is already stuff that is in process, it would be great to have some additional features added to image/file distribution as well.
In SmartSuite, this would just be basic image manipulation functionality (resize, reposition, aspect ratio) for an uploaded image, rather than just a linked URL (i.e. already hosted somewhere on the web with the exact aspect ratio).
We Have A Tender
Ability to export as a GIF the custom document designer per record.
Our scenario would be to also attach in the email automations a personalised gif with the client name on it and a custom mesage.
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