Variables in formulas or script
Brian Dollen
Merged in a post:
Workspace Variables
Scott Snyder
A single table of variables comprised of at least 2 fields that allow users to specify variable name and value would be helpful. The idea is that these variables could be used across any app or in any table within a Workspace.
The variables could be included in formulas either by making them visible in the formula builder (preferred), or by use of a simple function that has a single required field "VariableName".
An example of a function would be: GETVARIABLE(Name)
The returned value is of course the variable.
The variables should be able to be changed with automations.
Scott Snyder
I believe this is the most powerful feature yet to be implemented in SmartSuite. I have requested basically the same thing elsewhere. One or more functions should exist that are available in formulas that provide the ability to fetch a record from a specific table where conditions are met. Two functions could be written, one that returns a single record and works where a single record is sought, and another (potentially) where more than one record is desired to be used in the formula as a sum for instance. Keep in mind that the intended purpose is limited to use in formulas in arithmetic fields. I recognize that part of the SmartSuite revenue model includes use of automations and this could be achieved with one or more complex automations, but encouraging the use of automations to achieve this capability is short-sided. The long term prosperity of SmartSuite would increase dramatically with this sophisticated capability in formulas. It could be incredibly powerful.
Oscar Viniegra
It'd be great to have be able to use a field value within a formula, something like the Indirect() function in excel.
If one needs to consolidate information from different solutions, for example for portafolio management, it's easy to link each record to the corresponding record in the separate solutions/apps. The issue is whan one wants to automate the lookup/rollup of information from the different sources, it won't work, because the field, even as a forula is linked to a specific app
For example we use individual solutions for client project management, in there we have information about the team, deliverables, issues, etc. More importantly the WBS and detailed cronogram with tasks assigned to individual resources and with budget for each task/resource.
I want to be able to have an app where it’s possible to link each record to a specific app and retrieve the desired fields from that app, a different one for each record
Ideally there would be a field with the project name, which would be exact to the solution/app so in a formula it would be used as a variable:
Fx1: [Project name].[title]
Fx2: Countif([Project name].[status]<>”Completed”, [Project name].[tasks])
Fx3: [Project name].[status]
Each record would be retrieving information form a different app, in different solutions, based on a field with the [Project name].