Start Calendar Week View on a Monday
Aivars Elksnis
Such option would be very much appreciated also in Gantt view :)
Rosson Long
Hoping to build momentum for this as well!
lovisa hagdahl
Yes, in Europe we generally start the week with Monday, If you work with other calendars its very confuising when the SmartSuite don't have the same layout !
Andy Marks
Yes, start on monday.. would be super nice.
Rachael Ball
Yes please!! Us Europeans generally start the week on a Monday, so it causes cognitive noise every time I open Calendar view and see things in the wrong place, Calendar view is an important view for us when using Smartsuite
Alexander Kohl
Yes, it's very confusing here in Europe when the week starts on Sunday. Invites mistakes.
Tom Harvey
Related to Week Views: The ability to hide the time slots would be nice. I just want view what records are scheduled for each day and the time slots take up a lot of screen real estate
Threads Julian Dumitrascu
One serves people as well as one understands them.
Lowenna Luke
Jon Darbyshire is there any chance this can be bumped up the list? It's a pretty standard option for any calendar view in any app nowadays. As Paul says, it's essential in hospitality to see a whole weekend (i.e. Friday through Sunday) on one line.
Missy Bright
I am surprised with the availability of so many languages that this is unavailable. It goes hand in hand with letting users choose DD/MM vs. MM/DD etc.
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