Set Visibility Conditions on Fields in Board View
Benjamin ~ Identify Solutions
Noloco offeres this feature and it has been a win for every client who has used it.
I have wondered with kanban/board views why you couldn't select the priorities you wanted to see per stage. Thus you end up with long record with ALL of the properties you need through the entire process, causing you to scroll a lot. Some of the records take up the entire vertical space of the screen.
Here is a video showing how Noloco accomplishes this:
Jon Darbyshire
Hello Benjamin ~ Identify Solutions! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details on how you envision the visibility conditions working in our board view?
- What specific priorities would you like to be able to select per stage in the kanban/board views?
- Are there any other features from Noloco's implementation that you would like to see in our product?
Benjamin ~ Identify Solutions
Jon Darbyshire sure, let me expand here.
- I am not quite sure how to trigger this. I know that in Noloco you can get to all the properties and then choose the visibility picker to set conditions when it shows. It is a really powerful way to do it.
- Maybe in SmartSuites you click the three dots at the top of each column and toggle them on or off.
- Maybe you go to the page settings // fields and set conditions on each one like you do in Noloco. I know I saw other feature requests here on field level visibility settings. So maybe it is just globally set it up for the fields in a table somehow.
- I would be happy to workshop it with you.
- All of them, once you start limiting it then we are all going to ask for the ones that don't exist. Ha
- The ability to bring in other data sources. It's a big one... but it could help with source matching and doing dashboard reporting on it. When it comes to large data sets... this could be a huge win.
Benjamin ~ Identify Solutions
Jon Darbyshire did this all make sense?
Jon Darbyshire
Benjamin ~ Identify Solutions Yes it does and this is something that I am thinking about. I appreciate you sharing that Noloco provides this capability.