In September 2023, I attended a SmartSuite webinar where we were told that there would be some significant upgrades, including button actions to trigger automations and automation looping, among other things. We were told to expect that in November 2023.
It seems to me that it would be in SS's interest to:
  1. Provide regular updates. Ideally weekly, or at least several times a month. That's what AT does.
  2. Be more transparent on what SS is working on. The so-called "Roadmap" is really just a pie-in-the-sky wish list. Some of the items in those categories are several years old.
Nothing speaks better of a software company than regular updates. It makes the users (i.e. paying customers) happy, keeps them interested, and tells the users that this is a viable, happening company. That it's on the ball.
Silence, OTOH, is deafening.