Organizing Solutions into Folders
in progress
With every client getting their own Solution. And every 20 clients being their own group for our staff. Grouping the solutions into folders would be a great step in the organization since after about 20-30 Solutions the list will get longer and will take time to search for each client. As well as separating the Solutions we use for our company vs our client Solutions.
Jon Darbyshire
in progress
Nylo Armany
Jon Darbyshire Hi,
I'm sure you've already thought about it, but just in case, it will be great if we can also share the entire folder so that people or clients have the ability to copy everything inside all at once. the linked record, automation and everything you think it's important.
i know you guys will find a way to make a smart folder. we just have to wait
Alex Shkurinskiy
This feature is an absolute must!!
Orel Mor
SmartSuite please do that! It will boost organization by 1000%!!!
Vasken Bakalian
Jon Darbyshire Brian Dollen Artem Kunytsia
Any news here 🙂 ? PLANNED since 2022 🤔💭
Nate Montgomery @ SmartSuite
Merged in a post:
Grouping/Oragnizing Solutions
Randeep Sandhu
Hi, I am looking for a way to combine few Solutions, may be like in a Group? That would be Beneficials for separate teams having many Solutions in the Organization.
At this point only option we have is to Favorite Solutions to have a quick access but for PM's working on all solution it's hard to organize 50 Solutions without grouping.
Jon Darbyshire
Hey Randeep Sandhu, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- Could you please elaborate on how you envision the grouping feature to work?
- What criteria would you use to group the solutions?
- How would you like to access these groups of solutions?
Randeep Sandhu
Jon Darbyshire Its like we group few banking apps on iPhone and give that group a name like finance group.
Idea is having different solutions as Payroll/Inventory/ payable/Receivable and create a folder or group with all these Solutions and call that Accounting.
We can have these folder or groups at the home screen like we have space for favorites Solutions.
Orel Mor
Jon Darbyshire
- The grouping feature should be just folders, the solutions right now are looking like apps, and putting them inside of a folder (ios/macOS) like view would be very pleasant for proper organizing
- So the biggest criteria for me would be to organize the solutions by departments because they start piling up, and I (as the owner) see all of the solutions, unlike people in certain departments like marketing, finance, etc, which only see the necessary solutions
- The absolute best way SmartSuite can implement this feature would be to drag and drop the apps on top of each other, and then it gets them into a new folder and lets you name it just like on Apple devices.
Gary Ford
Jon Darbyshire - I defiantly support this feature... When implemented could this also enable the search tool to be limited to specific folders or folder groups.. At times it is wonderful that search looks at everything, but typically many of the search results are full of clutter from solutions that I know don't need to be searched for what I am looking for.... Maybe there could be search rulesets created for each folder to more focus a search when needed. For example a "local" search might just look at the table currently open and the "expanded" search might look at all tables in a folder, while the "super" search looks at everything. I could see that the search tool could be controlled by different rule-sets depending on the folder or table that is open. Possibly this is controlled at the "view" level.
Vasken Bakalian
Jon Darbyshire we have this planned since 2+ years, any progress or updates here?
Related request Permissions on the Solution grouping level
Made a separate request here:
Now I feel the need of solution groupings more then ever.
I have a solution group for
- Internal system to manage my consulting /freelance business
- Group of solutions for content (where each solution is a unique use-case linked with a loom recording, to keep them clean and isolated)
- Group of solutions for different client projects (usually demo or temp solutions until they're moved to the client workspace)
- Another groups for draft, learning, experimenting ..etc
Peter G.
It's surprising that this has yet to be addressed. Two years and running...
Lots of good suggestions. Tabs, Sections (accordion controls), folders, squares within squares - all good. So offer those options and allow the user (account owner) to decide which option. It can't be that hard - right?
Jesse Wallace
I really hope this is right around the corner. We just got started with SmartSuite a few months ago, and already our file browsing is a mess because of far too many unique files with no way to organize them.
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