Improve horizontal scrolling
in progress
Dragan Marian
I agree. It's kind of cumbersome.
Gary Ford
yes please - this is such a pain in the rear
YES Integrations
You can scroll horizontally by holding shift and using the scroll wheel (hint: this works semi universally across web and desktop applications)
Peter G.
The footer should also have a "float" option where the grid does not fill the page downwards/vertically.
Marcus (JB) Olson
Also consider the "standard" implementation of the "Home" and "End" keys, especially useful for navigating long records. The addition of "CTRL" with those keys could take you to the first or last record respectively.
Yosef Edelstein
If you are using SS, You need to get the logitech mouse with side scroll!
Mary C Bone
even if we could have the arrow keys that would allow us to scroll, I find that I have to stop typing and use the scroll feature to move the screen, Tab or Arrow keys would be great,
Threads Julian Dumitrascu
Until this is done, I note that one could move the display horizontally e.g. with the key Shift and a mouse wheel. (Well, maybe all of you use such methods already.)
I am glad to see it is not just me that have this issue :D
Artem Kunytsia
We have updated design of the scroll bar in one of our recent releases.
Next step, we'll be adding hotkeys to quickly jump to the end of the column/row
Chad Urbshott
Artem Kunytsia: Thanks for addressing this, it's been long awaited. However, I don't see any improvement, was the scroll bar thickened or what was updated? I'm using Chrome, cleared cache, restarted and did a hard refresh.
Benedict Meyer
Chad Urbshott: What I'd like to see is the 'Tab' key stops moving to next tab once I tab over to last column in view . Currently selection keeps rolling around to beginning of next line. (similarly shift-Tab in reverse). I.E I'm lazy and don't want to learn another hotkey. Tab should work to get me to last column as it does in Airtable.
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