Hide field names in cards
Stoyan Daskaloff • Design Lead @ SmartSuite
This is useful for card and kanban views, where you're displaying just a few fields and the field names become just a noise
- show/hide record name.
Jira's Kanban has a similar look, imagine how busy it would be in their case if they had "Task" and "Status" written above each of the values in their cards.
Nate Montgomery @ SmartSuite
Merged in a post:
Ability to remove field label in Kanban view
Kerry Proctor
Having the option to remove the field name would be really helpful - I'll put in a feature request. For example - a priority flag doesn't really need a field label. Area of Company is unnecessary. These take up A LOT of space on a card that is unnecessary.
Ara Bozadjian
We have same issue with Card View:
Christina Preston
Came here to suggest the very same thing but you beat me to it, three years ago... I wonder if this will ever be implemented.
Kerry Proctor
So much of the improvement in Kanban card display would come from using the "real estate" on the cards more effectively. The large card width provides a great deal of white space to work with.
Kerry Proctor
For my day-to-day tasks, I use the Kanban view exclusively (so a lot). I have been keeping that data in clickup because the layout is more streamline there and a bit easier to work with - but I need to move it to SS with all my other data so things are in one platform.
The fields that I feel don't need a title to be displayed along with the associated data are: 1) area of company 2) priority 3) description 4) status fields (as they are usually quite self explanatory). Also, any dates would be helpful if the label and the date were on the same line. It simply doesn't need to occupy the real estate of two separate lines. This is applicable for other fields as well - label and date on the same line just saves valuable space.
For me, removing field labels is particularly beneficial because I have a very long list of tasks, and need particular data displayed on each card. But having very large, fat cards prevents me from seeing many cards at one time. The fewer cards I see, the more scrolling I need to do, and for the way my brain works, it just make things more difficult when trying to get the big picture clear in my brain. This is one reason why clickup has been good - I can get a lot of information displayed on each card, while the card stays rather small. This enables me to have quite a large number of cards displayed at any given time in Kanban view.
Jon Darbyshire
Hello Kerry Proctor! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific fields do you find unnecessary in the Kanban view besides the priority flag and Area of Company?
- How often do you use the Kanban view, and how would this change improve your workflow?
- Are there any specific scenarios or use cases where removing field labels would be particularly beneficial?
Ara Bozadjian
Just experiencing this frustration now too.
We share a Card View of our Talent to clients, some things are just obvious and don't need a title. Would be great if we had the option to toggle title visibility on/off in Fields to Display»Select Fields.
Have attached how I think this could work. 😬
Jon Kay
I came here to voice a similar opinion. The counter argument would be that with custom date fields, the field name would be useful. I would, at least, like to see the font size of the field names smaller.
Christina Preston
Jon Kay I know your comment was written nearly two years ago, but I believe the original poster was suggesting that there be an option to hide or show labels. In this way, there is no need for counter arguments because it's a choice.