Format Date as Text
Rachel Dew
As the Workspace Administrator or Solution Manager I would like the ability to create a formula so that I can format a date as text
Acceptable Criteria (ex. date = 01/03/2022)
- text syntax should allow for one digit format month and day (m, d, = 1, 3
- text syntax should allow for two digit version for month day and year (MM, DD, YY = 01, 03, 22), including leading zero
- text syntax should allow for three digit format for month and day( MMM, DDD = Jan, Mon)
- text syntax should allow for four digit format for Month day and Year (MMMM, DDDD,YYYY = January, Monday, 2022)
- Text Syntax should allow for any order or combination of day, month year and punctuation
Examples: 01/03/2022
- Text(Date,"MMDDYYYY" = 01032022
- Text(Date,"YYYYMMDD" = 20220103
- Text(Date,"MM/DD/YYYY" = 01/03/2022
- Text(Date,"MMM DD, YYYY" = Jan 03, 2022
Caleb Cook
Seconding this! The Google Sheets TEXT formula when dealing with dates is a perfect example of how to do this.
Gary Ford
This would be really nice. Most folks working in architecture and engineering use YYMMDD as the preface to archived drawing files. It is a really normal thing to do for basic standard sorting.
Karina Schafer
Gary Ford - Absolutely agree! All my documents files are labeled in this way!
Peter G.
And include time formatting as well.
Here's are some examples:
curr = now()
? time("0h:0m",curr)
= "19:14"
? time("0h:0m a",curr)
= "07:14 p"
? time("dd-Month-yyyy",curr)
= "21-June-2021"
? time("Weekday, Mon dd, h:m am",curr)
= "Monday, Jun 21, 7:14 pm"
? time("X Weekday of Month",curr)
= "Twenty First Monday of June"
? time("h:m:s.3 a",curr)
= "7:14:59.224 p"
? time("0h:0m:0s.3 a",curr)
= "07:14:59.224 p"
? time("Current \Mont\h: Month",curr)
= "Current Month: June"
Rachel Dew
It would also be nice to include the time syntax as well