Document Designer Table Column Formatting
Vasken Bakalian
Jon Darbyshire
- Header text font size, font weight
- Rename Field Name (like we have in forms)
- Adjust Column width (we have a primitive solution now, we can't slightly increase/decrease, it only doubles)
- Font Size & Font weight of table content (separate from the header font settings)
- Background Color & borders (similar to tables in GDocs)
Adam J
Can you please also add a toggle to hide / unhide the column headings (all or none)?
Vizzzio Group
I would add the ability to rename headers as well
Rachel Dew
It's a problem for columns that have long text. Since the tables auto adjust into equal size column based on the width of the table, the result leaves lots of unnecessary white space. It would be nice to have the ability to manually adjust the columns so I can utilize the white space more efficiently.
Attached is an example of a table that would benefit from the ability to manually adjust the columns.
It would also be nice to be able to specify how wide you would like each column by percent of the whole table, or by absolute value (pixel, inch - which ever unit is applicable in document designer). And it would be great to just have handles in the design view that would allow you to drag each column to the desired width.
Alexandre PELLET
It will be very helpfull for invoice. Actually it is so ugly to have the same width for all columns
Federico Gonzalez
I need this as well
Ara Bozadjian
If Document Designer is going to be a big part of SS then we realllllllly need this feature too.