Display a Warning when changing a Locked View
Jeff Eusebio
I changed a view twice in the last 2 days only to go back to it and not see my changes. Confused, I finally discovered I had locked the view a long time ago. There is no visual indicator I see anywhere on the page that the view is locked, nor any warning that the changes I'm making (as Solution Manager) are not going to be saved. Please add a heads up that I should unlock & lock the view to save my changes if desired.
Nate Montgomery @ SmartSuite
Hey Jeff Eusebio, wanted to make you aware of the visual indicator that shows when a view is locked. See the image where the lock icon shows on the people icon.
Keeping this feature request open, because I know it is subtle and would be curious to see how many others would need a more obvious prompt or indicator .
Jeff Eusebio
Hi Nate Montgomery @ SmartSuite, nope, that's way to small. Didn't see it.
The reason it's so counterintuitive is there's a beautiful warning if the view is not locked and Autosave is turned off. In this scenario, this warning pops up with any view changes.
If instead I Lock the view, either I
1) shouldn't be able to change the view... because it's locked or
2) should see a similar warning pop-up "❌View is locked"