Customizable date output in formulas
Ruben Uzan
Not sure it's related but I'd like to have the possibility to create a date field that would be a fomula, like date = first day of range dates for exemple, so I could use it in the title = session of First day of range, so far I have to have a field for date range + manually have another one that is the first day of teh range when I m sure the first day could be extracted from the range field with a formula but still be shown as a date field. Basically, and I couldn t find it looking in the other requests, I would like the possibility to have a formula instead of a field, but still have it be a field. Like I would like to have a formula giving me a result in the form of a status for example, etc. Don;t know if I'm clear enough.
Jon Darbyshire
Hiya Jeff Koster, thanks for sharing with us! Following up on this:
- Could you provide examples of the date output formats you would like to see implemented?
- How do you envision this feature improving your workflow or data presentation?
- Are there specific formulas where you would find this feature particularly useful?
Jeff Koster
Jon Darbyshire I often would like to present a reporting period as MM-YY (ex 09-24 or even "Sep-24"). Or if year isn't contextually important I might like the option to drop the year and show 7/31 for example. I can accomplish some of this using other formulas, but then you have to start factoring in other quirks, such as leading 0s on single digit months (otherwise a sort will sometimes go jan,oct,nov,feb). Lots of weird little use cases where I would like a bit more flexibility on the date outputs, if that makes sense :)