Ability to convert text fields to additional field types.
Number Slider
Percent Complete
Single Select
With this capability, Solution Managers will be able to rapidly create the structure of a new app using text fields. Once they have a basic design that supports the information they need for the task, individual fields can be updated by changing the individual fields to a particular type.
By changing a text field to a more specific type, the Solution Manager can ensure that the correct type of information is input into the record. You'll reduce data entry errors. ensuring that email campaigns have quality, well-formed email addresses.
Numeric data can be presented in a format that makes the most sense for the information being managed, presenting the values as currencies, percentages or even number sliders that guarantee you capture a value within a pre-defined range. Link fields validate that a URL is in the correct format so that it's easy for team members to click into linked resources or shared files.