Conditional Sections on Mobile
Steven Harbold
Jon Darbyshire I also assumed this was broken... Steve McCown
We are looking at using Sections heavily to hide information from the user until certain conditions are met or needed. This essentially makes it impossible for us to have them use the mobile app for our CRM tool we are building. This would be amazing to fix because the mobile app is really great!
Steve McCown
Sorry, my assumption was this functionality was "broken" since the conditional sections we set on the desktop version did not work on mobile. If one creates a record to function in a certain way (hiding a field for example) for a particular purpose, I'd assume they'd want the mobile version to function in that same way. Not a huge deal for my particular use case at this time, but I'm surprised it's not come up with others.
Jon Darbyshire
Hey Steve McCown, thanks for your feedback! Following up on this:
- Could you please specify the conditions under which you would like the sections to be visible or hidden on the mobile app?
- Are there specific sections you have in mind that should have this conditional visibility feature?
- How do you envision this feature improving your user experience on the mobile app?