Automation Action: Send Notification (only)
in progress
Layla at ProcessDriven
For many, a work management platform can be a way to eliminate email internally.
To embrace that, it'd be helpful to split up the "Send Email" Action.
Currently, this action requires you to both "Send an Email" and "Send a Notification".
- Make only one of the two types of alerts required (so you could send an email, send an notification, OR send both)
- Make "Send a Notification" as a separate standalone Action
Dumitru Moraru
Hello. Waiting for these feature. Only this stops our company to get on SmartSuite. Because now we dont have any notification on mobile on Due Dates of Tasks and Projects.
Axely Congress
Would love to notify without sending an email. Internal notification, that would be excellent. Upvoted.
Jon Darbyshire
in progress
GitHub Julian Dumitrascu
Jon Darbyshire: Let's talk about this progress!
Dumitru Moraru
Jon Darbyshire any updates on this?
Artem Kunytsia
Hello Layla at ProcessDriven,
Thank you for the suggestion. Here’s what we have in mind. Curious to hear your feedback.
- Indeed, create a new standalone "Send in-app notification" action.
It will very simple and straight forward (first image attached)
- Adjust the current "Send notification" action:
- Rename it to "Send an email"
- However, keep the ability to send in-app notification from here as well, but toggle it off by default (second image)
- Note that I’m showing the Email Notification section as collapsed here for the sake of screen space. It would be expanded by default.
Layla at ProcessDriven
Artem Kunytsia: Looks great!
An idea if it's helpful on the Send an Email action...
Could Send In-App Notification options be greyed out until the toggle is in the active position? Currently, it looks as though the Message is required even though the Send-In-App Notifications isn't toggled on.
Would it be possible for the Send In-App Notification Message box (on the Email Action) to only appear when the toggle is active?
Artem Kunytsia
Layla at ProcessDriven:
Yes, sure, all valid points here.
We will polish the UI till it shines :)
Stoyan Daskaloff • Design Lead @ SmartSuite
Layla at ProcessDriven: indeed, that's the approach we're taking with such components already. The designs that Artem sent were mockups to illustrate the functionality.
The final result will be as in the attached images.
Axely Congress
Artem Kunytsia Perfect!
Jon Darbyshire
We are in agreement on this request and will work on adding this.
Jon Darbyshire any update on when this is this coming ?