Upfront: I'm loving SmartSuite. Obviously huge amount of brilliant thought went into it. But I have one suggestion that might be eliminated before SmartSuite blows up totally and conquers the world: Abandon "app" and switch to the right term, "table".
I can imagine why SmartSuite's designers might have made this (odd) decision. They want to make things easy for users, and they thought it would appeal to users to hear that they can link apps to create a solution.
But "app" has a really strongly established meaning. "Apps" are the modern version of what we used to call "applications". Apps are what you download from the App Store and install on your phone or your computer. A short while back, Airtable for some odd reason decided to stop calling extensions "extensions" and renamed them as "apps". Perhaps they wanted to make extension developers feel more valued. Anyway, that was a mistake and they fixed it fairly quickly.
I suggest SmartSuite do the same thing. Go back to "tables". For people without a background in database development, it's a less than perfect term. But in this case, a little lack of understanding at the start is preferable to a positive misunderstanding that has to be adjusted.
My 2¢.