Additional Date Filters
Amanda Peers
Not really sure why this isn't already a function. Any updates on this?
g h
I would love for it to be an option of this year.
Brian Dollen
Merged in a post:
Add current month in filter
Thomas Levallois
When I use filter (in Dashboard for widget), I can select Last month and Next month.
But not current month. :(
It's very difficult, because I have to put from THIS DATE to THIS DATE with two other filters. But it has to be manually upated !!! Very frustrating 😁
Is it possible to have "current month" in the selection ?
Many thanks !
Brian Dollen
Merged in a post:
Filter View
Hope we can add "this week" and "this month" to date filters
Carla Williams
YES! I need to sort and filter by weeks, months and years. Current work-around is using multiple date range fields, one for the week, one for the month and one for the year- super tedious to have to put in the same date 4 times just to be able to get the reporting we need! It is needed for more than just "this month" or "next month".... I need "December 2024", "April 2025", "Jan 27-31".
How many closings are we budgeted to have in April 2025, May 2025, June 2025? We need to break this down by week and month, not just for reporting, but to plan for appropriate staffing. How much Work in Progress will we have in July vs August vs September?
Irfan Khan
I would also add a “last x days” like last 30 days
Jon Darbyshire
Hello Thomas Levallois! I have a few more questions for you:
- How frequently do you need to filter by the current month?
- Are there any specific reports or tasks that require the current month filter?
- Would having a 'current month' option improve your workflow efficiency?
Irfan Khan
Jon Darbyshire 😒
Thomas Levallois
Jon Darbyshire
Hello !
- It's in a daily dashboard for different business unit, so every day ! Until the next month :)
- Not specific, but we use it fo see projects in the current month, sales in the month, backorder in the month, next task step, margin of the month ...
Currently, I need to chnage my filter on every tab of dashboards EVERY month : boring and time wasted.
- Yes !!! I still can't understand why we have past and next, and not current :D
Many thanks !
Stacey Pinili
Jon Darbyshire I would also like to be able to filter by current month and current year (date range)
I use Smartsuite for HR and I have grid views on my dashboard for birthday's and anniversaries 'this month'. I also sort a lot of my reports by current year, so I have a custom date range on. But with the amount of tables and solutions I have now it will take awhile to manually change everything for the new year.
Amanda Bullock
I definitely need a 'this month' filter! I noticed today I could only do past month, or next month. But I want to be able to view data that's occurring currently in this month.
Specifically, I'm trying to add a filter into my Summary Card Widget for items completed "this month"
Steve McCown
Toodledo does this as well and it is pretty cool 😎