Add Single Select settings option to limit choices if previously selected
David Pfeffer
If you want to make sure there aren't two entries with the same 'single select' selected, it would be great to have an option in the settings to "only select unused' selections so that when one selection was used, it will not show up as an option for subsequent records.
Use Case: Interior Design. You have a single select filed with all the rooms you are designing but you don't want to accidentally have two entries for "dining room" by mistake.
Any scenario where you want to make sure you only have one entry per single select option can use this setting.
Jon Darbyshire
Hey David Pfeffer, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more examples of scenarios where this feature would be beneficial?
- What should happen if all options in the 'single select' have been used?
- Would you like this feature to be optional or applied to all 'single select' fields by default?
David Pfeffer
Jon Darbyshire
The answer to question 3 would be that it's optional. I wouldn't want it to be applied by default. So when all options have been selected, there would be no options shown.
Other examples could be any finite list where you want to create a record for each item and you want to limit the records to one for each item on the list.
Some examples: An invitation list, really any checklist with defined steps, or any list really. It would be a nice user experience as well because the options in the single select field will shrink with each item selected so you'll know when you have gone through all the selections and 'finished' the list instead of seeing 20 options every time you want to select the next item.