If this is already a thing, please let me know as I'm still leaning the ropes.
I love that I can see all tasks assigned to me across all solutions/apps in the MyWork section, however I need a way to "schedule" my tasks so that I can accomplish all tasks by their respective due dates.
Here's an example use case: I have 15 clients that all have a deliverable date of the 10th of the month for a report pack that I create based on their data for the previous month. Each report pack takes over an hour to create, so I wouldn't want to do all 15 in one day. And since the data I'm utilizing is from the previous month's data, I don't have to wait until just before the due date to complete all of them. So based on my workload each day I could complete one on the 3rd, one on the 5th, six on the 8th, etc, until I have all 15 ready to be delivered on the 10th for each of my clients.
To facilitate this, in MyWork, I'd love a "group by: schedule date" option and the ability to assign a date that I plan on working on each task.
Bonus ask would be for the me, within MyWork, to assign a time estimate so I can judge how long the tasks I've self-schedule for each day could possibly take in total.
My current idea on a workaround is to have a field in each app were the assignee can enter a date they want to work on, and if they choose, to assign a time estimate, then use a personal view to show how their tasks are scheduled. However, I don't necessarily want other employees that have access to the app see what the assignee has entered in those fields. And of course, the biggest bummer with this workaround is that each employee would have to go to each solution that they have access to and create that view for themselves.