Ability to indent whatever I want to wherever I want to in a SmartDoc
Jeff Eusebio
SmartDocs restrict me from indenting a line unless I'm specifically using a PURE bullet or numbered outline. If I mix and match bullets and numbers, the ability to indent is lost. If I just want to indent one line under another, no can do. This feels horribly restrictive and drives me crazy almost every time I'm using a SmartDoc. I don't know any other program that's so restrictive.
Attached an example. I want to indent the Topics to Cover and bullets below it. Nope, sorry, no can do, SmartDocs won't allow it.
Jon Darbyshire
Great to hear your perspective, Jeff Eusebio! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific types of indentation are you looking to achieve in SmartDocs?
- How frequently do you encounter this indentation issue in your workflow?
- Are there any specific scenarios or document types where this indentation flexibility is most critical?
Jeff Eusebio
Answering your AI generated questions with my AI generated answers (this is fun!)
- The ability to indent any line anywhere, regardless of whether it’s a bullet, number, or plain text. Right now, SmartDocs forces me into a rigid outline format. If I mix bullets and numbers or just want to indent a line for clarity, it doesn’t let me.
- Almost every time I use SmartDocs for structured notes, lists, or outlines. It’s a constant frustration.
- Meeting notes, process documentation, and structured outlines. Sometimes I need subpoints that don’t follow a strict numbered/bulleted format, but SmartDocs blocks me from organizing them the way I want.