ability to filter MyWork by any team member.
Rosa Glanz
they have the ability to filter MyWork by any team member.
So managers can get a quick glance at what's on another team member's workload by using MyWork and filtering to view any other user. It's very useful for seeing assigned tasks by user across multiple Solutions.
Rosa Glanz
Thank you-
- when project managers need to assign tasks for a project, it would be helpful to for them to have access to their team members current tasks and workload to see who has the capacity to handle it...
- view by employee and view by due date would definitely be necessary, their assigned tasks of course
- daily... as the CEO it would also give me a good handle on how each employee is handling their responsibilities, who is on task and who needs more time etc
Matt Bickerton
Rosa Glanz and Jon Darbyshire this is a much needed feature to allow managers to understand their team members work loads. Currently the MyWork feature is only visible to the person who is logged in. As a manager we need the ability to see our team members 'Mywork' to ensure we have an achievable list of tasks and statuses as well as a balance between the work assigned to each team member.
Jon Darbyshire
Great to hear your perspective, Rosa Glanz! Following up on this:
- Can you provide more details on how you envision the filtering process to work?
- What specific information about a team member's workload would you find most useful to see?
- How frequently do you anticipate needing to use this feature?