Ability to Capture Data for Weekly/Monthly Reporting/ Scorecards
Carla Williams
Each of our departments capture data each week from SmartSuite and enter it into SmartSuite for weekly reports. I have set up each department head with a dashboard were they see widgets with all of the metrics they are tracking, then they have a form next to it where they manually enter the data from the widgets so that is shows up on their scorecard. At first I numbered the weeks of the year and had some complicated formulas and automations set up to do this- but no-one wants to see data from "week 8" instead of "Feb 5-10". It began to get even more complicated because the metrics they report back on their scorecard to me change regularly as we troubleshoot issues to pinpoint problems. Filling out the form every week to copy data from SmartSuite back into SmartSuite just seems unnecessary. Since I can't be watching 1,000 metrics at all times, I learned that several managers had their own work-around for keeping a weekly snapshot of their progress- by literally taking a snapshot of their metrics with their phone camera every week. Can we please get a way to capture data weekly and monthly for scorecard reporting purposes? Please see attached screenshot for reference. Thanks!
Peter G.
This video might be useful for inspiration:
Jon Darbyshire
Thank you for posting, Carla Williams! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific data points or metrics are most critical for your weekly and monthly scorecard reports?
- How frequently do the metrics you track change, and what typically prompts these changes?
- Are there any existing integrations or tools you currently use that could assist in automating this data capture process?