The "Link" field type should have description when allowing multiple links
greg rawls
just about to post the same request; I see someone beat me to it, two years ago.
Ara Bozadjian
Jon Darbyshire any chance of looking at this request pls? 😇
Would see great benefit and efficiency in having the option to add a Name when adding a Link Field.
Examples of current and what ideal could look. :)
Tim Yewchuk
Multiple links is almost useless without the ability to label what they are
Ara Bozadjian
Another vote for this.
I've started adding "?NAME" to the end of URLs so we can tell what each one is. But that's so messy.
AND, if this does make it to the SmartSuite Roadmap Small Bucket, can we pls also get that Sub-Field option on Forms too 😎
Randall Nichols
Would really love the option to have a title field for the link so that anyone viewing the record knows what the link is for. Please 🙏🏼!!!
Elissa Brown
You should be able to customize your anchor text, just like in the SmartDoc field type.
Edited to add: I just noticed the black bubble that currently appears on hover. I added a link to a file in SharePoint and it shows the simple SharePoint url and the file name (example.xlsx). That's perfect in this scenario - I wish there was the option to see that all the time, rather than the url.