The ability to create a Master List for field types would be amazing; My definition of this would be to be able to access saved or archived field types and their settings. In simple terms single select fields are rewritten a lot for clients and across aspects of applications
Job Roles - CEO, CFO, CPO, COO - Instead of having to write this out in multiple solutions where relevant (its not a linked/lookup detail either), i would love to write it once, and save to a master sheet - allowing me to drop this information into other solutions, for multiple clients with a few clicks
Main purpose for this would be to enable continous updates to master selections - if a new department is added, name is changed, this needs to be updated throughout the entire system - whereas if pulled from a master list - and the update occurs there, this happens across all aspects that are linked
Overall this helps with the consistency of naming throughout an application and the continuity between applications the same.
This in essence would allow for "default" appearances like status fields to be easily changed to naming conventions, colour schemes, again helping match colours and relevance for users when navigating the software and freeing up time for those finer touches