Folder Hierarchy in Views
Dino Kovačević
Hi team,
Joining the conversation here, as a customer asked me exactly about this feature yesterday.
To add to what Mirit Volis has described, it would be great to have an option to control who has access to a subfolder in addition to controlling access to a parent folder.
Thank you and l look forward to seeing updates on this.
Jon Darbyshire
Hiya Mirit Volis, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- How many levels of sub-folders do you anticipate needing for organizing your views?
- Would you like any specific features or functionalities within these sub-folders, such as search or filter options?
- Are there any specific naming conventions or structures you prefer for the folders and sub-folders?
Mirit Volis
Hi Jon Darbyshire, For my purposes, I could see three levels (i.e. client name, year, itinerary name). In my use case, this would be for organizational purposes only. I have multiple views that I use for every client itinerary so having a folder for the itinerary will help me group those views.
For me, the folders and sub-folders are for grouping purposes. I don't personally have a need to filter but having folders names show up in the main search feature would be helpful. If I knew that folder names showed up in Search then I would name those folders in a way that would be meaningful (i.e. client name, client_year, client_year_itinerary name).
I hope that answers your questions.