Conditions fields
Michel Valencia
It would be very useful to have a function that allows us to block/cancel creating or editing from a grid view, thus forcing the user to open the pop-up window, with this we could control dependent and mandatory fields (because editing from the grid the mandatory field is not respects) showing the sections depending on some field. I don't know if something similar already exists, but it would be excellent if we cannot control fields depending on other fields, that you could control that they do not modify from the grid to control the sections depending on conditionals.
Jon Darbyshire
Great to hear your perspective, Michel Valencia! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific scenarios or use cases do you envision where blocking or canceling creation or editing from the grid view would be beneficial?
- Are there particular fields or sections that are most critical to control through this proposed functionality?
- How do you currently manage dependent and mandatory fields, and what challenges are you facing with the current setup?
Michel Valencia
Jon Darbyshire In the use cases it is very simple, there are fields that are configured as required, however when they are edited from the grid view this attribute is not respected and allows users with the necessary permissions to modify the record from this view (leaving the field not filled out even if it is required). Something that does not happen when the pop-up window is opened, in the pop-up window it is forced for any user to fill out the required fields.
For now, when opening a conditional section, you are asked to fill out a required field. If the section is not shown, it is not necessary to fill out that field. That seems excellent to me because we force the user to give us more information depending on other fields. however this only works with pop-ups.
Today we have to leave instructions to the users to make or modify the records from the pop-up window, however, by not controlling the grid view they can make the movements that are within their reach. I was also thinking of, as an alternative measure, undoing or modifying records with automations and requesting the correct or complementary information from the record through notifications (I can validate the data with formulas and trigger the automations based on conditions), but I see it as very complex. in the sense of rework and unnecessary.
Let me know if I didn't understand something or if you need more information.
Peter G.
Michel Valencia
You're replying to an AI Bot, but I digress.
All the elements of a grid/toolbar and record detail view, etc should be checkboxes that the builder can select/deselect. One size fits all doesn't work.